Monday, March 11, 2013

You don't know you're beautiful

From the Grantsville Young Men

But seriously, watch this video. Can you imagine our young men doing this, hahahaha

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

You Can Now POST!

You should have received an email informing you that you are now able to post on this blog. Here is a list of the people I added. If you would like to be added, comment and I will add you.....

Sam Allred
Ashlee Witt
Anna Titcomb
Sydney King
Jess Vincent
Briona Grey
Megan Royall

A glimpse into the past....

While Brandon and I were dating, we used to study gospel principles together. I was also take an institute class on the atonement, repentance, and forgiveness. This is an email I sent to Brandon after doing some studying one night...I hope you guys really read this talk and then my email.  I won't be at church on Sunday, but we will discuss this next week. 

The Atonement: Our greatest hope

I loved this one. i read it last night after you left. I loved when he said ..." I wonder how many drops were shed for me"...

He is so patient with us all. It also clicked with me the whole "at one" part. at one with the savior, him understanding us and being completely there for us, but not only that...doing our part and understanding him and his love and the atonement. why he did it. 

There were so many fantastic sections of this talk! This part....I believe that the savior will give us the minimum punishment to satisfy justice for our sins...and the maximum amount of blessings for our righteousness. I truly believe that the Lord has done that for me. i always wondered why i he is so great to me when i deserve to be punished more. I think I've had the hardest time with that. I kinda feel like I've been let off the hook without even doing anything to deserve that from him. But the savior loves us SO much that the least amount of punishment he will give just to remain to be god. He has to follow laws and rules. i bet he doesn't even want to punish us! He wants just to love us and let us off the hook, but he can't. He is God. So we must do our part and that is repenting and that is where mercy is extended, as it says in the talk. 

If we will sincerely repent the Lord will do the rest.... our part and his part. We are so lucky to have such a merciful heavenly father! some one who loves, who just wants us to come home safe and he is just pleading for us to return unto him. I need to remember always the love that my savior has for me, and the love my father in heaven has for me. He's waiting for me, being so patient and loving...He loves me. He wants me to be his so badly and I need to do my part to help make that happen. He has already forgiven me, He loves me, he's just waiting for me to come to him. I've got my invitation. It's time to RSVP. 

I love you Brandon. Sorry this was so long, but i had some revelations whilst writing this. :) The bishop is truly the mouthpiece for the Lord. The Lord knows me so well. i just need to remember remember remember.

Love, Elyse